High Tech

April 02, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

High Tech

What’s high tech? In 1917, high tech was the Nevada Northern Railroad’s newest steam locomotive, No. 81. 

The Nevada Northern primarily hauled copper ore from the mines near Ely, Nevada south to the transcontinental network. It also served passengers and towns along the line.

With 36,200 pounds of pulling power, No. 81 was designed to be powerful enough to handle a freight train while being fast enough to handle passenger loads. A century later, modern microprocessor-controlled diesel locomotives have roughly 60,000 pounds of pulling power.

Baldwin Locomotive Works 1917 Builder’s Photo

No. 81 operated in mixed freight and passenger service between Ely and Cobre until 1951. After 41 years of service, it was retired and put on display at the White Pine Public Museum where it sat in the elements for over 30 years.

Moved back to the Nevada Northern engine house in 1990, No. 81 patiently waited for a turn at restoration. In 2014, after a thorough inspection, it was deemed to be an excellent candidate.

Ray Christ photo, September 1956 at the Ely engine house before retirement

The engine originally cost $23,700 ($487,000 in today’s dollars). The restoration budget is $1.2 million.

All the work is being performed at the 1907 Ely engine house. Using a blacksmith forge and massive, 114-year-old tools, a team of volunteers is still at work seven years later restoring No. 81 to its former glory. Here’s a recent progress photo from the Nevada Northern Facebook page. Check out the monster lathe in the lower left.

The Photo

A year ago, photo buddy Jon Christofersen and I were at the Nevada Northern’s winter steam photography weekend. In a quiet moment, I wandered into the part of the engine house where No. 81 was being restored.

There was a solitary volunteer creating showers of burning steel grinding part of the cylinder. Amazed at how many parts needed restoration, I finally started to comprehend how a restoration could consume most of a decade.

Thanks for looking,





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